Benefits of water- 13 Amazing Benefits which you can’t ignore!

We have always been told that sources of water is essential for our survival. One will find innumerable data on the benefits of water to support that it is an integral part of our survival. Therefore the insistence that we drink water often and in adequate quantity is precise.

Our body is 60 % water, and we do not have a water storage system in our body, so it is pertinent that we keep replenishing our body with water to have a healthy mind and body. Though we get around 20% of our water requirement from fruits, vegetables, and beverages, we still need to drink enough water.

Benefits of water are innumerable, some of them have been mentioned below:

Water helps create saliva.

Saliva contains some amount of electrolytes, enzymes, and mucus. Thus we see the benefit of water in keeping the mouth healthy and breaking down food in the mouth, which helps digestion.

Water helps to regulate body temperature. During physical activity and hot weather, the body cools off by sweating. The body loses electrolytes and plasma when dehydrated. So we have to replenish the lost water.

The benefit of water in arthritis:

Water helps to lubricate joints, spinal cord, and tissues. It helps the body to perform physical activity and arthritis. Consistent dehydration reduces the shock-absorbing ability of the joints, which leads to joint pain.

The benefit of water in eliminating waste:

waste is eliminated through sweat, urination, and defecation. Sweat regulates body temperature during physical activity and warm temperature. Water is needed to replenish the lost fluids. Enough water is required to pass stool and avoid constipation.

Therefore drinking lots of Clean water is essential. Kidneys flush out toxins and other waste materials from the body through urination. Enough intake of water is required to prevent the formation of kidney stones.

The benefit of water in maintaining healthy kidney:

water helps to prevent damage to kidneys. Water dissolves nutrients and minerals, making its absorption more accessible. Most of these are expelled out of the body urine.

The bloodstream reabsorbs the remaining water. Kidneys can function properly only if there is enough fluid in the body. If kidneys do not function properly, excess fluid and waste products accumulate in the body causing chronic kidney disease or kidney failure.

Benefits of water in infections:

Drinking lots of water flushes out the infection from the urinary tract. It may lead to upper urinary tract infection and then to infection in kidney or kidney stones. All these diseases can be effectively treated by drinking plenty of water.

Benefits of water in constipation:

Drinking an adequate amount of water reduces the chances of certain medical conditions like constipation, urinary tract infection, kidney stones, hypertension, and exercise-induced asthma.

Body fluids transport waste products in and out of cells. Water-soluble blood urea nitrogen is the main toxin in the body. It is flushed out by the kidneys as urine. Less water reduces the flushing of toxins, causing kidney stones.

When the body is not getting enough water, urine is concentrated, dark-colored, and odor. The kidney traps body fluid to perform its functions. Therefore it is essential to drink enough water.

Benefits of water in physical performance:

Water helps to maximize physical performance like sports or rigorous physical activities. Lack of water or dehydration affects strength, power, and endurance. Physical activity in the heat without proper water intake may result in a difficult medical situation like decreased blood pressure and hyperthermia, seizures, and even death.

The benefit of water in digestion:

Water aids in the digestion of food. Water before and during meals helps in breaking down the food quickly. It helps to digest food more efficiently and gets the most out of food.

Benefits of water in weight loss:

It has been found that the use of more water during a diet helps in weight loss. It does not per se helps in weight loss, but eating more fruits and vegetables with water content helps.

Food with higher water content is generally more abundant, so it requires more chewing and is more filling. So it helps to check calorie intake.

The benefit of water in carrying nutrients:

Water helps to carry nutrients and oxygen to the entire body. It also helps to absorb vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. It improves blood oxygen circulation, improving overall health.

Benefits of water and energy:

Water is an energy booster. Cells to maintain turgidity requires fluids. Cells shrivel as electrolytes are lost due to lack of fluids resulting in muscle fatigue affecting performance.

In the case of strenuous physical activity, it is pertinent to keep the body hydrated by drinking water before, after, and during the event. Drinking water at regular intervals during physical activity replaces fluids lost by sweating.

Benefits of water in the functioning of the brain:

Lack of water affects cognitive functions. It impacts focus, alertness, and short term memory. All cells, including that of the brain, require fluid to maintain its turgidity and perform its tasks.

Even mild dehydration could impair the functions of the brain. Fluid loss results in significant impairment of mood and concentration. Lack of water in the body may also cause headaches. Dehydration is detrimental to working memory and an increased feeling of anxiety and fatigue.

The benefit of water in skincare:

Water keeps skin glowing and supple. Lack of water in the skin will make it dry, giving it a look of wrinkles and age. Water keeps the cell hydrated, giving a youthful and supple appearance.

Airways need to be hydrated to function properly. When it is dehydrated, the body in its effort to minimize loss of water restricts airways. This worsens asthma and allergies.

The benefit of water in controlling alcoholism:

Unsweetened soda water, when taken with lemon and ice, prevents overconsumption of alcohol.

Last word

The benefit of water is immense, but we should not overdo it by drinking more than required, as it might lead to water intoxication. Too much water would dilute electrolytes and other salts resulting in hyponatremia.

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